Let's heat up the globe

Steve Martin, who I heard talking on National Public Radio this morning, said he had only made one political crack, back in the 1970s. He said that he trusted Ronald Reagan to take us back to the good old days - and turn America into a vast sheet of Arctic ice.
I laughed out loud hearing him say that, then thought what would be the modern equivalent?
Right wing republicans would like to make the government small enough (except for the military) so it could be thrown in a bath tub and drowned. Everything, in this scenario, gets privatized, and we are then back to the Victorian scenario of each dog fighting each dog, and, of course, there is no monitoring of what happens to the environment. We are in the Final Days, are we not, so why do we need to worry about the environment?
Soon the great horseman of the Apocalypse will be here to sweep the good ones into the land of trumpets, white bread and high definition TV.
Anyway, my modern day version of the Steve Martin joke about Ronald Reagan, is that we can fully trust the Bush Administration and its right wing successors to keep their foot on the gas pedal of global warming and take us back to the days when America was a vast hot and volcanic plain. Our great grandchildren will have no need for winter coats. They'll just be shimmering with sunblock and watching the fireworks !
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