Running Hot and Cold

One of the reasons I left Britain and settled in the New World was to avoid the horror of dealing with British taps. That would be faucets. (I'm working on becoming bilingual.)
You think this is a small issue. Compared to AIDS or World War Two, it is a trivial thing.
However, try washing your hands in a British bathroom, or restroom as they call them in America. The British, even as we enter the 21st century, and long after we sent little rovers to wander over the surface of Mars, are still not willing to embrace the technological advance represented by a blended tap, combining both hot and cold water. No, they stubbornly stick to a hot tap and a cold tap.
Try washing your hands in the Queen's country. You either get burned by bloody hot water. Or you get chilled to the finger-bone by water from deep in the castle moat.
Hence, I migrated to a country where they blend everything - ice-cream, juices, coffee, and thank heavens, water. I can wash my hands in just the right temperature water.
My theory about the British is that a significant number of them are sadomasochists - certainly the plumbers.
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